Basketball Cheers
Note: For practice, cheerleading cheers repeat automatically...
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Let's Score Two More
To the hoop Panthers!
To the hoop Panthers!
Let's score two more!
Panthers! Let's Win (Basketball)
Jump, Jump!
Get it, Get it!
Panthers! Let's Win!
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Put It In
(Submitted by Cayden M.)
P-U-T-I-T In
Take that ball
And put it in!
Put That Ball Up
(Submitted by Cayden M.)
Come on Eagles
Let's turn this game around
Put that ball up
And take them down!
Fundraising Ideas For Cheerleading
(Submitted by Cayden M.)
Pull down
That rebound
Go Eagles go!
Score Two More
Panthers (clap) in the stands
Stomp (stomp on "stomp") your feet and clap (clap on "clap") your hands
Score! Two! More! (stomp and clap on each word)
Score! Two! More! (stomp and clap on each word)
Score! Two! More! (stomp and clap on each word)
Shoot It
(Submitted by Cayden M.)
Shoot it (pause)
Shoot the ball for two!
Take That Ball to the Hoop, Hoop!
Dribble, dribble.
Shoot, shoot.
Take that ball to the hoop, hoop!
Take It Away
(Submitted by Cayden M.)
Take it away (clap,clap)
Defense (clap,clap) (Repeat 3 times)
Take That Ball Away
Panther fans (clap on "fans")
Let me hear you say (clap on "say")
Take that ball away! (clap)
Take that ball away! (clap)
Take that ball away!
We Want a Basket!
Dribble it! (clap, clap)
Pass it! (clap, clap)
Dribble it, Pass it,
We want a basket!
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